Disclosure Policy
This Compensation Disclosure has been provided for your protection and to fully disclose any relationship between this sites product or service recommendations and the owners of those product or services. It is always recommended that before you purchase products or services on the Internet, including those on this website, that you conduct your own research and exercise due diligence.
The owner of this website is required by law to inform you that a relationship exists between this website and the products or services it reviews, recommends or promotes.
Here are the guidelines we operate under here at
In accordance with recent FTC regulations, we are hereby notifying you that some or all of the links contained herein on this domain could result in the payment of an affiliate commission to our corporation. is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to
We are never paid to do a review. We never accept money to review a product or service. We invest our own time to review and test products. We pay out of our own pockets the cost to produce all audio and/or video we may record about products.
If we create a link to a product or service in a review, sometimes we may get paid a commission if you purchase the product or service. These links are included after posts are written, and posts are never composed for the purpose of including advertising.
No advertiser will ever influence the content, topics or posts made on this website.
These are good rules and practices in today’s digital world. It’s important for you to understand the relationship between a person reviewing the product and the manufacturer or service provider.
If you don’t see a disclosure policy on a blog or website, that reviewer may be violating the law or at the very least the Code of Ethics.